About me


Welcome to my website! I'm Cocoa, an XR specialist and freelance artist who specializes in 2D and 3D art. If you would like to see some of my previous work, check out the Gallery tab, otherwise here's a little about this site. I created this website sort of as a tribute to the early 2000s internet which I grew up in. This site was entirely written by hand only using techniques that existed in the early 2000s. Actually I'm just too lazy to learn proper web dev so lets say that's the reason. Other than art and furry shenanigans I'm a Computer Science Major currently attending Missouri University of Science and Technology.


Much of my interests in life are dictated by my hyperfixations, here's a few of my favorites.

About this website

I created this site as a tribute to the early 2010s era of webdesign that I grew up in. I love the deep and personal connection sites once had, an era where a website was a form of expression to show others yourself and your interests. So in that spirit, I've written this site entirely by hand only using HTML, CSS, and JS to keep things as simple and authentic as possible.

My fascination with webdesign can be traced all the way back to my childhood years when I first discovered Matrices.net Her site has changed significantly since I saw it as a child, but I do remember her writing about her interest in webdesign and how she had written the site herself. This simple little thing is what changed the course of my life forever. I believe I was around 11 when I first found her site and I immediately began researching how to create my own webpages, and that lead to an obsession with code and computers. From her site I had also become extremely fascinated with creating fursuits and the furry fandom and art which still very much governs my life to this day :3


CocoaMilka (or just Cocoa for short) is my sona that I've created for my online presence, you may have noticed this site is entirely designed using her color palette :3 She's an anthro tiger shark with chocolatey colors (though it's more like a red heh). I don't have any sona lore like most people, she's just me if I happened to be a terminally online anthro tiger shark!

Contact me

If you have any questions about my work, or would simply like to chat (don't be shy, I love talking to people!) shoot me a message on discord @cocoamilka or my email chocolatemilkcows@gmail.com


Testing and stuffs